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Our partner designs and manufactures umbilicals suitable for the majority of subsea applications, including deep water, workover, intervention, and maintenance.
These umbilicals provide varied services including hydraulic, electrical, optical, or pneumatic. We also produce a range of diving hoses and termination equipment. Umbilicals are available with stand alone sheaths, steel, or textile strength braids or ropes or layers of high tensile steel armour, whichever best suits the specific application or operating system. Because of the harsh environment and long working life, careful consideration is given to the operational stresses encountered.

Our umbilicals are designed to suit static and dynamic applications in water depths of up to 2,500 meters and are composed of any possible combination of hydraulic lines (thermoplastic hoses or steel alloy tubes), low-voltage electrical control cables, medium-voltage power transmission cores and optical signal components.

Our oil and gas umbilicals cover all manner of needs and applications, from Subsea Isolation Valves to Topside Jumpers. All umbilicals include a choice of cover options, strength members and ropes, hoses, sheath colours and a full range of terminations.

Types of Umbilicals

* Thermoplastic Umbilicals
* Steel Tube Umbilicals

Applications & Services

* WOCS and Intervention Umbilicals
* Buoy to PLEM Umbilicals
* Installation & Decommissioning Umbilicals
* Misc. Oil & Gas Umbilicals


Engineering Services Overview Solutions Survey Installation, Commissioning & Supply Erection AMC
Actuators Ball Valves Umbilicals HIPPS Customised Packages Wet Gas Meter Double Block & Bleed Valves Multiport Selector Valves