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Fit-for-Purpose solutions from idec

As an engineered solutions provider serving the hydrocarbon sector and other energy domains, idec's core speciality is intelligent integration and customized packaging. Putting together packages spanning numerous domains... bringing together a range of equipment and components to suit your needs. Your space. Your specifications.

We offer end-to-end solutions -- from design and manufacture, through assembly and configuration, to instrumentation and all ancillaries. All the elements selected and packaged to offer our customers a fit for purpose solution.

Total command of every aspect of the task. Complete single-point responsibility. Greater value through synergy. And a proven guarantee of enduring performance.

It all comes together at idec.


Engineering Services Overview Solutions Survey Installation, Commissioning & Supply Erection AMC
Actuators Ball Valves Umbilicals HIPPS Customised Packages Wet Gas Meter Double Block & Bleed Valves Multiport Selector Valves